ALECSO Director-General participates in  41st session of UNESCO General Conference

 ALECSO Director-General participates in   41st session of UNESCO General Conference



H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, is taking part in the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference. In a speech delivered on November 15, 2021, he congratulated Mrs. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on her re-election for a second term. He also congratulated UNESCO on its 75th anniversary.

The Director-General reviewed, in his speech, the main activities implemented by ALECSO in response to the COVID-19 crisis which caused school closures and education disruption, and the initiatives taken by the Organization to provide online educational platforms and computer devices to countries with special needs, which has benefited thousands of students.

The Director-General highlighted the universal value of the Arabic language and its significant place in human civilization, and called for expanding the use of Arabic across all UNESCO’s activities, and also for making proficiency in Arabic a key recruitment requirement, alongside other languages. He took this occasion to thank all States that supported ALECSO’s “World Novel Week” initiative. He concluded by underlining the need for joint action to meet challenges and to uphold universal values, particularly the values of human fraternity and solidarity, through education, culture and science.

The Director-General had a meeting with Mrs. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, and took this opportunity to reiterate his congratulations to her on her re-election for a second term.