Arab League Secretary-General pays visit to ALECSO

Arab League Secretary-General pays visit to ALECSO


H.E.  Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, paid a visit, on October 23, 2021, to the headquarters of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization. He was received by H.E. Director-General, Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, and the Organization’s officials. The Directors of Arab Organizations in the Host Country and beyond participated in this visit. 

The Director-General welcomed his distinguished guests, stressing that this historic visit comes as part of the Secretary-General’s efforts to promote coordination and cooperation among Arab organizations in the service of joint Arab action.

The Secretary-General was briefed on ALECSO’s efforts and initiatives to maintain the continuity of learning during COVID-19, as well as on its vision and plan for the future (2023-2028).

The Secretary-General commended ALECSO’s efforts in the educational, cultural and scientific fields. He indicated that ALECSO is a key pillar of joint Arab action, calling, in this regard, for further coordination and cooperation among joint Arab action organizations. He took this opportunity to thank ALECSO’s Director-General and staff members for these achievements, initiatives and future-oriented planning.