ALECSO participates in the 22nd meeting of the  Technical Committee on the Environment in Cairo

ALECSO participates in the 22nd meeting of the   Technical Committee on the Environment in Cairo



The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) took part in the 22nd meeting of the Technical Committee on the Environment, organized by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Meteorology,  Technical Secretariat of the Council of Arab Environment Ministers. 

The meeting was held on October 10-12, 2021, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in Cairo, Egypt, and brought together representatives of Arab, regional and international organizations and a number of relevant academics. ALECSO was represented by Mr. Amine Dahmani, Acting-Director of the Department of Science and Scientific Research.

The meeting discussed various issues pertaining to the environmental situation in the Arab world, including the coordination of Arab environmental efforts as part of achieving sustainable development goals, the follow-up to the meetings of the United Nations Environment Assembly, and the Arab response to climate change challenges. 

The meeting was also an opportunity for specialized Arab, regional and international organizations and civil society institutions that are partners of the Council to showcase their activities and programs.

The meeting of the Technical Committee will be followed by the 57th session of the Executive Bureau of the Council of Arab Environment Ministers. 

The 32nd session of the Council of Arab Environment Ministers is scheduled for October 14, 2021, date of the celebration of the Arab Environment Day.