ALECSO Director-General pays visit to the  Education and Training Evaluation Commission in Riyadh

ALECSO Director-General pays visit to the   Education and Training Evaluation Commission in Riyadh



H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, paid, on October 5, 2021, a visit to the headquarters of the Education and Training Evaluation Commission in Riyadh, where he was received by H.E. Dr. Khalid bin Abdullah Al-Sabti, Chairman of the Board of Directors. 

During a working session held between the two sides, Dr. Al-Sabti welcomed the Director-General and his accompanying delegation, hoping the meeting would offer an opportunity for both institutions to draw upon each other’s accumulated experience and expertise for the benefit of all Arab countries.

Following presentations on the Commission’s tasks and activities, in-depth discussions were held regarding the areas of cooperation between the two parties. It was then agreed to set up a joint team to discuss ways and means to build a true partnership and identify the programs to be covered by this cooperation.

The meeting was attended H.E. Mr. Hani Al-Moqbel, Chairman of the Executive Board of ALECSO, and H.E. Mr. Hattan Munir bin Samman., Secretary-General of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science.