Closing of the joint workshop between ALECSO and DVV International on Adult Education

Closing of the joint workshop between ALECSO and DVV International  on Adult Education

H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, chaired, on September 30, 2021, the closing session of the two-day workshop jointly implemented by ALECSO and the German Adult Education Association (DVV International).

During this event, literacy and ALE officials and the representatives of relevant governmental bodies and institutions from the Maghreb countries offered presentations on the current state of the literacy and ALE sector, the challenges with which it is confronted, and the ways and means of boosting cooperation among all relevant stakeholders to promote this sector as part of local, regional and international partnerships.

In his closing remarks, the Director-General stressed the need to further coordinate efforts within a network of stakeholders that includes governmental institutions, NGOs and civil society, which will enable the sharing of relevant experience, expertise and best practices. Focus should be laid, he added, on meeting the priority needs of Member States as well as on developing a Maghreb literacy and ALE strategy that promotes diversity and complementarity among the various systems involved in this sector. He concluded by renewing his thanks to DVV International, to the Tunisian Ministry of Social Affairs, as well as to all the bodies, officials, experts and academics who contributed to the success of the workshop.