ALECSO launches the fourth program of MASARAT Training Initiative on “Enhancing Teacher Competencies in the Use of Modern Technologies in Education”

ALECSO launches the fourth program of MASARAT Training Initiative on “Enhancing Teacher Competencies in the Use of Modern Technologies in Education”


The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) launched, on September 20, 2021, the implementation of the fourth program of its MASARAT training initiative, by organizing a distance training program on “Enhancing Teacher Competencies in the Use of Modern Technologies in Education”. This training event was attended by forty (40) educational officials from Somalia, Djibouti and the Comoros.

To achieve the desired impact and enable the participants to take best advantage of the knowledge and expertise provided to them, the training program involves theoretical and practical aspects, with special focus on :

  • Improving the competencies of general education teachers in the use of modern technologies in the education/learning process;
  • Instilling the “Computer Culture” among all components of the education family; 
  • Providing basic skills in the use of e-learning methods;
  • Developing knowledge of the teacher’s professional roles.

At the beginning of the session, Dr. Mohamed Jemni, Director of the ICT Department and Acting-Director of the Education Department, and Eng. Khalaf Aloklah, Expert and Training Program Coordinator, welcomed all participants and wished them a successful training.

The training session, which extends over three months, revolves around the following topics :

  • “Education Technology” : definition, evolution and benefits;
  • “E-learning” : definition, characteristics, types, and uses;
  • The teacher’s professional tools in the digital age and transformations in teacher roles;
  • Educational applications of second-generation tools;
  • Promoting the “Computer Culture”.