ALECSO releases the 31st issue of the Arab Journal of Information

ALECSO releases the 31st issue of the Arab Journal of Information


The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ICT Department) has released the 31st issue of the “Arab Journal of Information”

The issue includes a special dossier on ICT and its use in education, being a key sector that has a direct impact on building the knowledge society on sound scientific foundations, and adequately preparing youth to effectively contribute to its advancement.

The issue also offers a variety of articles on  :

  • Strategies for Developing Communication Among Children with Learning Disabilities;
  • Creative Thinking Skills and Difficulties in Using Them in Secondary Education;
  • Evaluating the Experience of Mathematics Distance Education Through Synchronous Digital Applications in Palestine;
  • Mechanisms for Developing Technical Secondary Education in Light of the Experience of Egyptian Applied Technology Schools;
  • A Proposed Roadmap for Cyber-security in Smart Cities in Light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Global Models for Building an Arab Vision.

Link to the Journal