ALECSO participates in the “Conference of Supervisors of  Palestinian Affairs in the Host Arab Countries”

ALECSO participates in the “Conference of Supervisors of   Palestinian Affairs in the Host Arab Countries”



At the invitation of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States, the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) took part remotely, on July 5, 2021, in the 106th session of “The Conference of Supervisors of Palestinian Affairs in the Host Arab Countries”. 

The conference agenda included statements by Delegations and reports by the participating countries and organizations.

In his statement to the Conference, delivered on his behalf by Mrs. Jalila Labidi, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, stressed that ALECSO is keen to closely follow the situation in Palestine, which is marked by unprecedented escalatory practices in most Palestinian cities, including forced displacement, excessive use of force, and systemic violations of the sanctity of Palestinian holy sites.

ALECSO’s statement insisted that the Palestinian historical narrative should be the focus of in-depth academic research in all Arab universities that use reliable sources and address the Palestinian Cause based on accurate data. It also expressed support to the call launched by the State of Palestine for holding an international peace conference in support of the Palestinian right to establish an independent Palestinian State with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

The Conference came out with recommendations that covered the following agenda items : the Cause of Al-Quds, the Separation Wall, settlement and displacement, follow-up and support to the uprising, Palestinian refugees, UNRWA activities and financial situation, and development in the occupied Palestinian territories.