Launch of the training program on “The role of digital learning in developing life and work skills, and ways for its incorporation into educational curricula and practices”

 Launch of the training program on “The role of digital learning in developing life and work skills, and ways for its incorporation into educational curricula and practices”



The first session of the training program on “The role of digital learning in developing life and work skills, and ways for its incorporation into educational curricula and practices” kicked off on July 5, 2021. The program is implemented by ALECSO (Education Department) as part of its contribution to achieving SDG 4 in the Arab World, which aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. 

The training program involves three sessions and is targeted at officials and specialists in developing curricula, educational practices, and training programs. It aims to build knowledge and skills and share experience and expertise in the areas of digital learning and its basic concepts, distance learning, digital school and related concepts, teachers’ digital skills, digital curricula and programs, skills needed for today’s job market, and the economics of digital learning. These areas are addressed in a context where Arab States are seeking to achieve digital transition in all fields, so that they can meet their development requirements.

The training session is attended by nearly 100 experts and educational leaders in Arab countries who are concerned with improving the learning process and developing its methods at all educational levels.