ALECSO participates in second meeting for the development of the International Standard Classification for Teacher Training Programmes

ALECSO participates in second meeting for the development of the International Standard Classification for Teacher Training Programmes


The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) took part, on June 30, 2021, in the second (remote) meeting of the Technical Advisory Group for the development of the UNESCO International Standard Classification for Teacher Training Programmes. 

The meeting was attended by 15 representatives from international and regional organizations. ALECSO was represented by Dr. Tarek Ben Youssef.

The meeting was an opportunity to discuss and finalize the first version of the classification prepared by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. The new classification aims to:

  • Produce internationally comparable data on teacher training programmes to improve the availability of quality statistics, particularly on national pre-service teacher training  programmes;
  • Contribute directly to the identification, development and collection of data at national, regional and international levels.
  • Identify, develop and collect data on other aspects of teacher training programmes, including in-service teacher training, postgraduate teacher training, continuing professional development for teachers, regional and global cooperation to improve the quality of teacher training programmes, and research into the teacher profession, including new teaching methods, alternative pathways to teaching, and new digital forms of teacher-training programmes.

The technical advisory group will send the first version of the new Standard Classification to the Member States for opinion. Two meetings are scheduled : the first, in August 2021, to examine the observations and proposals of Member States and prepare the pre-final version of the Classification before submitting it to the next General Conference of UNESCO; the second meeting, in January 2022, to finalize the new Classification after incorporating the revisions requested by the General Conference.