ALECSO organizes training courses for the Nouakchott Region on the use of ClassIn e-learning platform

ALECSO organizes training courses for the Nouakchott Region on the use of ClassIn e-learning platform


As part of implementing the Cooperation Agreement concluded between ALECSO, the Nouakchott Region, and the Chinese EEO Company to provide over 5000 Mauritanian students, during the school year 2020-2021, with virtual classes through the ClassIn e-learning platform, in preparation for the Baccalaureate exam, ALECSO organized, on June 15, 2021, two online training courses on the use of the ClassIn e-learning platform. The first training course was provided for Administrators (opening of accounts, creation of virtual classes, planning of training courses…); the second for teachers (online teaching skills, development and posting of online educational contents,…).

Training was provided by Eng. Bilel Amri, from ALECSO’s ICT Department.