ALECSO implements training program on “Developing school textbooks in the Arab countries for inclusive, equitable and lifelong quality education for all”

ALECSO implements training program on “Developing school textbooks in the Arab countries for inclusive, equitable and lifelong quality education for all”


As part of its efforts to promote education and improve its outputs, and in response to the needs of Arab educational actors to develop learning and teaching tools and aids and improve their quality, ALECSO (Education Department) launched, on May 31, a virtual three-day training program on “Developing school textbooks in the Arab countries for inclusive, equitable and lifelong quality education for all”. 

Participants include 45 education experts and officials  from 17 Arab States, namely Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Egypt, Morocco and Yemen.

This training event is designed to : 

  • Deepen trainees’ knowledge and skills in terms of textbook design;
  • Highlight the importance of textbooks in educational systems and their role in promoting equitable and inclusive quality education;
  • Familiarize trainees with the standards and tools for  textbook assessment;
  • Share experience and expertise among Arab countries, and benefit from comparative experiences, in terms of textbook design, production and use;
  • Envision the possible relationships between print and digital textbooks;
  • Deepen consideration of the relationships between educational and learning practices on the one hand, and the uses of educational textbooks in diverse contexts, on the other hand.