ALECSO holds “Virtual Forum on Arabic Scientific Terminology : Unified Visions”

 ALECSO holds “Virtual Forum on Arabic Scientific Terminology : Unified Visions”



Under the patronage of H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO and H.E. Dr. Moza bint Mohammad Al Rabban, President of the Arab Scientific Community Organization (ArSCO), ALECSO and ArSCO organized, on May 26-27, 2021, a Virtual Arab Forum on Arabic Scientific Terminology : Unified Visions".

The Forum aims to strengthen cooperation between ALECSO and ArSCO in promoting the Arabic language,  to enhance communication and networking among relevant Arab experts, to allow experts to share their experiences and visions for the promotion of the Arabic language in keeping with scientific developments, and to boost relations with relevant Arab, regional and international organizations, institutions and centers.

The Forum was attended by high-level experts from Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Morocco, Mauritania and Syria, along with Arab scholars living abroad (France) 

The Forum opened with a welcoming address by H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, delivered on his behalf by Mr. Amine Dahmani, Acting-Director of the Department of Science and Scientific Research, in which he highlighted ALECSO’s continuous efforts to promote and upgrade the Arabic language through the development of free and open-source software.

The Forum was also an opportunity to showcase the experiences of ALECSO and its subsidiary institutions (Arabization Coordination Bureau in Rabat, and the Arab Center for Arabization, Translation, Authorship and Publication in Damascus) in the Arabization of scientific terms, and the projects launched with the aim of enhancing the status of Arabic language, the most recent of which being the Arab Network for Scientific Terminology.

The Forum came out with a number of recommendations that ALECSO, jointly with ArSCO, Arabic language academies, and all other relevant institutions, will work to implement. These recommendations are mainly designed to empower the Arabic language to catch up with new developments and serve vital areas in the Arab world.