Mauritania’s Prime Minister receives ALECSO Director-General

Mauritania’s Prime Minister receives ALECSO Director-General


H.E. Eng. Mohamed Ould Bilal, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, received on May 24, 2021, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO.

The Prime Minister expressed his thanks to the Director-General for this visit and for the gift of one thousand computers offered by ALECSO to the Mauritanian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

On his part, the Director-General thanked the Prime Minister for providing this opportunity to present the projects and programs of ALECSO and the services it provides to Member States in its fields of competence. He highlighted some of the main projects and activities that ALECSO is currently working on, including the updating of the Comprehensive Plan for Arab Culture, the development of ALECSO’s Strategic Plan 2023-2028, and the preparation of the specialized ministerial conferences scheduled for the second half of 2021.  

The Director-General indicated that ALECSO is keen to continue supporting countries with special needs by providing them with modern technological means and online educational platforms. This is, in fact, part of the initiative launched and successfully implemented by ALECSO in response to COVID-19 education disruption. In this same context, the Director-General stressed the need to give more attention to e-learning, MOOCs, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things.

The Mauritanian Prime Minister renewed his thanks to ALECSO and its Director-General for the significant work undertaken by the Organization and for its keenness to modernize its working mechanisms in order to keep pace with the times. In this context, he called on ALECSO to provide support and expertise to the cultural sector in Mauritania, a sector to which the Mauritanian President and Government pays a great deal of attention. This involves, in particular, promoting and reviving cultural, poetic and literary activities throughout the country, which would help build a generation that is both attached to its identity and authenticity and open to modern times. 

The Prime Minister reaffirmed Mauritania’s support for the Organization and for its ambitious future-oriented projects designed to strengthen joint Arab action in the fields of education, culture and science.