ALECSO denounces attacks on educational and cultural institutions

ALECSO denounces attacks on educational and cultural institutions



The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) is following, with deep concern, the blatant attacks perpetrated against holy places, cultural institutions, historical monuments, and archaeological sites in Palestine. These institutions and sites carry a valuable human dimension and play a significant educational and cultural role in the service of local communities. They must, therefore, be treated with due respect and kept far away from the ongoing conflicts, especially that most of them are part of the human cultural heritage inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

In the face of the continuing gross encroachments on cultural properties and educational institutions, ALECSO expresses its strong condemnation of all acts of violence against people, property, and human civilization in Palestine. It urges all international and regional organizations, foremost among which is UNESCO, to take urgent and strong action in order to compel the occupying Power to stop the bombing and destruction of human cultural heritage and educational institutions in Palestine, and bring it to comply with the relevant UN resolutions.

ALECSO also calls on the international community and all people of conscience in the world to act promptly in order to protect innocent children who are constantly exposed to bombing and killing, and keep them away from the conflict; to put an end to the brutal aggression perpetrated against the defenseless Palestinian people, in blatant defiance of international laws and charters; and to compel the occupying Power to cease its acts of violence against the Palestinian people and its aggression against landmarks of human civilization.