Scientific Committee of ALECSO-affiliated networks holds first meeting 

Scientific Committee of ALECSO-affiliated networks holds first meeting 



The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (Secretariat of the Executive Board and General Conference, National Commissions’ Section), held the first (remote) meeting of the Scientific Committee of the Networks of Schools, Clubs and Chairs affiliated with ALECSO. The Committee includes representatives of Arab National Commissions (personnel and liaison officers of the three networks).

The aim of the meeting was to consider and consult upon :

  • Establishing internal regulations for the Scientific Committee in preparation for developing its future work program;
  • Setting up mechanisms for evaluating and arranging the participation of the three networks in the events held by the Secretariat as part of ALECSO’s celebration of Arab and International Days and on other occasions;
  • Recommending the honoring of the three top-ranking winners at the end of each semester.

In the end, it was agreed that each member would, as soon as possible, prepare a paper that sets out his vision regarding the internal regulations of the Scientific Committee. Papers would then be shared among all members for further consultation, ahead of their final adoption.