ALECSO Statement on the launch of the  Green Saudi and Green Middle East initiatives 

 ALECSO Statement on the launch of the   Green Saudi and Green Middle East initiatives 



The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) welcomes the Green Saudi and Green Middle East initiatives launched by HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and congratulates the King, Government and people of Saudi Arabia for these historic initiatives designed to protect and preserve the environment and improve ecological conditions, which would provide better living conditions for the people of the region and contribute to achieving the relevant global objectives. 

We, at ALECSO, support this forward-looking project that will promote the environment in the Gulf and Middle East region, which would help to meet the challenge of desertification through a major afforestation project that would serve the future generations.

ALECSO, whose strategic goals include the preservation of the environment, and whose plans and strategies include action against pollution, desertification and climate change, will support these initiatives with all its scientific and technical expertise and experience. 

We wish every success to these valuable initiatives which will benefit all Mankind, the environment, and the coming generations.