ALECSO conducts training session on its interactive platform for  the Jordanian National Commission personnel

ALECSO conducts training session on its interactive platform for   the Jordanian National Commission personnel


The Secretariat of the Executive Board and General Conference of ALECSO (National Commissions’ Section) organized, on February 24, 2021, a training session on its interactive platform for the personnel of the Jordan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture.

The training session was held under the supervision of Dr. Mourad Mahmoudi, Secretary of the Executive Board and General Conference. It was attended by Ms. Ibtisam Aqab Ayoub, Secretary-General of the Jordanian National Commission and member of ALECSO’s Executive Board. Ms. Ayoub commended ALECSO’s actions and initiatives to promote joint Arab action using modern tools and technologies; thereby enabling Arab national commissions to accomplish their missions in the best conditions and to benefit from successful experiences at the level of the Arab World, through a participatory interactive platform that won the appreciation of all.

This training session is part of a series of similar events programmed by the Secretariat of the Executive Board and General Conference for the personnel and liaison officers of Arab National Commissions. It was moderated by Eng.  Safwan Al-Hakim, designer of the interactive platform.