ALECSO conducts training session on its interactive platform for  the Sudan National Commission personnel

  ALECSO conducts training session on its interactive platform for   the Sudan National Commission personnel




The National Commissions’ Section of the Secretariat of the Executive Board and General Conference of ALECSO organized, on February 11, 2021, a training session on its interactive platform for the personnel of the Sudan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture.

The training session was held under the auspices of Ms. Wafa Sayed Ahmed Noureddine, Secretary-General of the Sudan National Commission, and under the supervision of Dr. Mourad Mahmoudi, Secretary of the Executive Board and General Conference. It was moderated by Eng.  Safwan Al-Hakim, designer of the interactive platform.

This training session is part of a series of similar events programmed by the Secretariat of the Executive Board and General Conference for the personnel and liaison officers of Arab National Commissions.