ALECSO participates in Regional Webinar on Global Citizenship

ALECSO participates in Regional Webinar on Global Citizenship


The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization participated on December 9, 2020, along with the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States, the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States, the UNESCO Regional Center for Quality and Excellence in Education, and the Asia-Pacific Center of Education for International Understanding, in a regional webinar on “A Future Vision for Citizenship Education: Achievements and Next Steps”.
The webinar was attended by officials and experts from Arab and international institutions who addressed the new global trends in education for global citizenship, the development of educational contents, and the promotion of teacher training programs toward strengthening the place of education for global citizenship ​​in educational systems.
ALECSO was represented in the Webinar by Mr. Hechmi Ardhaoui, Acting Director of the Education Department.