ALECSO holds 2nd Arab Mathematics Olympiad remotely

ALECSO holds 2nd Arab Mathematics Olympiad remotely

The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (Education Department), in partnership with ABEGS, and in coordination with the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, holds, on December 21, 2020, the second edition of the Arab Mathematics Olympiad. Distinguished students of mathematics will participate in this event which will be held remotely due to the persistent COVID-19 crisis.
ALECSO is keen to hold this competition in accordance with the international standards followed in the International Mathematics Olympiad. This competition, is, in fact, designed to serve significant educational goals, including, in particular, promoting the learning of mathematics, spreading the culture of mathematics among youth, developing young people’s creative skills and abilities, and enhancing the sense of fair competition. This event is also designed to provide opportunities for the sharing of information, experiences and good practices regarding mathematics curricula and teaching methods in the Arab countries.