ALECSO Director-General pays courtesy visit to the Egyptian Ambassador to Tunisia

 ALECSO Director-General pays courtesy visit to the Egyptian Ambassador to Tunisia


H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director General of ALECSO, paid a courtesy visit to H.E. Mr. Ehab Mostafa Fahmy, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the Republic of Tunisia, on November 20, 2020.
The Director-General congratulated the Ambassador on his appointment to this position, wishing him every success in fulfilling his mandate. He offered an overview of the main activities carried out by ALECSO in its fields of competence. He expressed appreciation of the continuous cooperation between ALECSO and Egypt, and commended the support offered by the Egyptian Government to the Cairo-based Institute of Arab Research and Studies and the Institute of Arab Manuscripts, so that they can accomplish their missions in optimum conditions.
The Director-General reviewed the activities implemented by ALECSO in Egypt in cooperation with the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture. He also presented to the Ambassador ALECSO’s vision for the future and the broad lines of its Strategic Plan for the period 2023-2028.
The Director-General pointed to the project of updating of the Comprehensive Plan for Arab Culture and also to the second edition of the Arab Mathematics Olympiad, to be held jointly with the Egyptian Ministry of Education and Technical Education. On another note, the Director-General highlighted ALECSO’s response to school closures and educational disruption caused by the COVID-19 crisis, by developing online learning platforms for Arab countries, particularly those with special needs, and providing the needed training in this regard.
On his part, the Ambassador commended the significant role played by ALECSO in disseminating science and knowledge across the Arab world, and the great attention it attaches to such vital sectors as education, culture, science and scientific research. He expressed hope that ALECSO would pursue its mission and provide mechanisms to promote inclusive and equitable quality education, in line with the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development. He also expressed full readiness to further enhance cooperation between ALECSO and Egypt.