ALECSO Director-General pays working visit to Tunisian Minister of Youth, Sports and Vocational Integration

ALECSO Director-General pays working visit to  Tunisian Minister of Youth, Sports and Vocational Integration

H.E. Dr. Kamal Dueguiche, Tunisian Minister of Youth, Sports and Vocational Integration, received, on November 9, 2020, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO.
The Director-General seized this opportunity to congratulate the Minister on his appointment to this position, wishing him every success in fulfilling his mandate, especially in these exceptional circumstances experienced by the whole world. He also expressed deep thanks and gratitude to Tunisia’s President, Government and people for the continuous care and support offered to the Organization so that it can perform its mission in the best of conditions.
The Director-General commended the longstanding cooperation between ALECSO and the Ministry of Vocational Training, especially that Tunisia is preparing to host the Conference of Arab Ministers in charge of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, scheduled to take place in December 2020. He also emphasized the importance of setting up the Permanent Advisory Committee for Physical Education and School Sport.
The Director-General offered a comprehensive overview of ALECSO’s current activities and programs, and the vision informing its Strategic Plan for the period 2023-2028. He pointed to the project of updating the Comprehensive Plan for Arab Culture in light of current circumstances and regional and global transformations, along with the new inscriptions on the World Heritage List. He expressed ALECSO’s readiness to convene a conference for Arab ministers of youth and sports, and underlined the need to pay more attention to school and university sports in order to raise a healthy generation, both physically and mentally.
On his part, the Minister thanked the Director-General for this visit and expressed his appreciation of the valuable achievements made by ALECSO over the past decades. He underlined the significant role assumed by the Organization in raising an Arab generation that serves the causes of the Arab Nation, understands the magnitude of current challenges, and embraces science and knowledge. He indicated that ALECSO has a key role to play in ensuring quality equitable and inclusive education for all, as part of the implementation of Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and in establishing a culture of moderation, tolerance, and rejection of violence and extremism.
The Minister affirmed the Ministry’s readiness to hold the Conference of Arab Ministers in charge of Technical and Vocational Education and Training at the set date, either face-to-face or virtually. He also expressed the Ministry’s desire to hold the first Conference of Arab Ministers in charge of Youth and Sports.