ALECSO Director-General gives interview to Palestine TV

 ALECSO Director-General gives interview to Palestine TV

H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization, was a guest on Palestine TV, on October 7, 2020. He gave an interview that focused on the webinar organized by ALECSO, jointly with the Tunisian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture and the Rehab Family and Child Association, on October 2, 2020, in celebration of the Arab Child Day.
Dr. Ould Amar indicated that the webinar had been organized amid the exceptional circumstances triggered by the COVID-19 crisis which has caused educational disruption and school/university closures.
Dr. Ould Amar highlighted the role of ALECSO in offering care and attention for children, providing them with sound upbringing, and protecting their rights. He also underlined the significant role and responsibility of the family, the school and society in preserving children's rights, protecting them from violence, and developing legislation at the educational, cultural, health and social levels. He stressed the need to invest in children, the builders of tomorrow, and to protect their rights, which is the responsibility of all.
Dr. Ould Amar concluded by paying tribute to the children of Palestine who are resisting the Israeli occupation in pursuit of their right to survival, education, freedom and decent life, like other children in the world.