Virtual scientific symposium on “Arab scientific research and the joint management of existing and emerging crises and disasters

Virtual scientific symposium on “Arab scientific research and the joint management of existing and emerging crises and disasters

Under the chairmanship of H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, and H.E. Dr. Haifa Abu Ghazaleh, Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the Social Affairs Sector at the League of Arab States, ALECSO (Department of Science and Scientific Research) and the Department of Education and Scientific Research at the General-Secretariat of the League of Arab States, organized, on August 11, 2020, a virtual scientific symposium on “Arab scientific research and the joint management of existing and emerging crises and disasters”.

This symposium was held in the context of strengthening cooperation between ALECSO and the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States. It reflects ALECSO’s continued endeavor to promote the sectors of higher education and scientific research in the Arab world, to enhance communication and networking among specialized Arab experts, and to boost cooperation with Arab, regional and international organizations, institutions and centers for the organization of relevant events, despite the exceptional circumstances the world is currently experiencing due to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. ALECSO, in fact, strongly believes in the vital role that Arab scholars and researchers can play, by sharing their expertise and visions especially in these exceptional times.

High-level experts from Tunisia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, as well as Arab experts living in Britain and France, took part in this scientific event. The live broadcast was followed by members of the Permanent Commission for Scientific Research and Innovation in the Arab States, along with a large number (5203) of Arab and non-Arab academics, professors, researchers, and people interested in higher education and scientific research.

It should be noted that ALECSO’s goal behind launching this series of scientific symposiums is to give interested audiences useful insights into the state of higher education and scientific research in the Arab world.

ALECSO is pleased to invite Arab and non-Arab scholars, academics and researchers to take part in the upcoming scientific events, which will help to strengthen communication and networking among all relevant experts.