ALESCO launches celebrations of 50th anniversary

 ALESCO launches celebrations of 50th anniversary

ALECSO’s Golden Jubilee celebrations were launched under the high patronage of H.E. Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, who remotely delivered a statement in which he emphasized ALECSO’s leading role and valuable achievements over the past decades, calling on the Organization to pursue its efforts in the service of Arab culture. He also pointed out the adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on public life and particularly on education, being one of ALECSO’s areas of competence. He concluded by stressing the need to continue supporting the Organization so that it can remain a beacon of science and knowledge.
H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of ALECSO, announced the official launch of the celebrations, and delivered a statement in which he called for a “pause for reflection” to identify negative aspects, whether their causes are internal or external, or are unexpected such as the Covid-19 pandemic. He stressed the fact that ALECSO’s continued progress is attributable, in the first place, to the support provided by the Leaders of Arab States who strongly believe in the goals served by the Organization, and are fully aware of the crucial and necessary role it plays in all its fields of competence. He added that the advancement of education remains one of the key focus areas of ALECSO, stressing, in this context, the need to adopt modern teaching methods which seek to develop the students’ critical skills and to strengthen their ability to engage in self-learning, along with collective and participatory learning, and to enrich Arab intellectual production.
The ceremony was also attended by H.E. Tunisian Minister of Education and Chairman of the Tunisian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, H.E. Tunisian Minister of Vocational Training and Employment, and the representative of H.E Tunisian Minister of Cultural Affairs, along with Their Excellencies Ambassadors of Arab States in Tunisia. They all commended, in their statements, ALECSO’s valuable role as a beacon of knowledge and a house of expertise in its fields of competence, and highlighted the crucial importance of the educational, cultural and scientific mission with which it is entrusted.
The ceremony was attended remotely by the members of the Executive Board and the Secretaries-General of Arab National Commissions.
A documentary film was screened on this occasion, highlighting some of ALECSO’s achievements over the past five decades.
The Director General closed the ceremony by congratulating the Leaders, governments and peoples of the Arab world on all ALECSO’s achievements over the past 50 years, hoping a better future for all in the service of education, culture and science in the Arab world.